Luanda - Health authorities registered 78 new infections, 79 recovered patients and two deaths in the last 24 hours.

According to the Secretary of State for Public Health, Franco Mufinda, who spoke at the usual data update session, there are 46 cases registered in Luanda, 7 in Zaire, 6 in Huambo, 4 in Bié, 4 in Uíge, 3 in Malanje, 3 in Cuanza Sul, 2 in Cabinda, while the provinces of Huíla, Bengo and Cuinene have one case each.

The list of new patients is comprised of 52 males and 26 females.

The two deaths, according to Franco Mufinda, were recorded in Huambo and Zaire, with one each.

Among those recovered, 54 are in Luanda, 23 in Huambo and 2 in Cuanza Sul, aged 1 to 64 years.

Angola has a record of 16,562 cases, with 384 deaths, 9,345 recovered and 6,833 active.

Of the assets, five are in critical condition with invasive mechanical ventilation, five severe, 74 moderate, 145 with mild symptoms and 6,604 asymptomatic.

Health authorities follow 229 patients admitted to treatment centers in the country.