05 May 2020 | 7:24 pm 

Luanda – Um menor de 15 anos de idade, contacto do caso 26, está infectado com a covid-19, prefazendo 36 casos positivos, informou hoje (terça-feira) o secretário de Estado para a Saúde Pública, Franco Mufinda.

According to Franco Mufinda, who spoke at the usual update point for covid-19 in Angola, with this case added, Angola adds nine cases of local transmission.

Do ponto de vista estatística, indicou, o país tem 36 casos positivos, com dois óbitos, 11 recuperados e 23 activos e estáveis

In order to contain the spread of the pandemic, Angola observes, since 00:00 on Sunday (April 26), the third period of the State of Emergency, in force until 23:59 on 10 May, with 45 consecutive days of isolation Social.

This is the second extension, of 15 days, of the exceptional regime, this time with a lightening of the measures.

The State of Emergency was decreed on March 25 by the President of the Republic, João Lourenço, after a favorable opinion from the National Assembly, and was in force from March 27 to April 10, having been extended to the period from 11 to 25 of the current month.

In the framework of the extension, between restrictions and openings, the circulation and permanence of people on the public road is no longer prohibited and the use of masks is now mandatory for all those who go out or expose themselves in public places.

Among the impositions, in these new 15 days of health fence, there remains the obligation for workers assigned to essential services, from the public and private sectors, to be accompanied by declarations and service passes.