Luanda - Health authorities registered 14 new cases, two deaths and 20 recovered, in the last 24 hours.

According to the national epidemiological bulletin, 11 cases were diagnosed in Luanda, two in Huambo and one in Huíla, aged between 3 and 73 years. Of the list, 4 are male and 10 female.

The recovered, 8 are in Luanda, 8 in Huambo and 4 in Lunda Norte, with ages ranging from 6 to 77 years.

The two deaths were recorded in Luanda.

The national staff registers 19,796 cases, with 466 deaths, 18,035 recovered and 1,295 active.

Of the assets, 4 in critical condition, 9 severe, 94 moderate, 95 mild and 1,093 asymptomatic.

In the treatment centers there are 202 inpatients, while 57 people are in institutional quarantine and 1,950 contacts under epidemiological surveillance.

The laboratories processed 934 samples.